Monday, January 9, 2012

Framing hatches

5/6 hatches are framed in, and 3 of them now have their coamings. I like the look of the raised hatches, a little bit old fashioned, and they are definitely drier than the flush lid hatches. And a hell of a lot less work.

I'm working with some extremely tight tolerances in the front, where the seatback comes up from the bench and ties into a big hatch for a cooler. I want to fit my 100 qt igloo marine (aka Dave and Bug's couch) into the hatch. This thing is the perfect dory cooler. It was fate that it so perfectly fit into the front hatch of the Desolation and slid so perfectly under the front bench where it helped so perfectly trim the boat. But this time it's going to take some engineering. So that is the last part to tackle before she's wired for bilges, and sealed up with the decking.

Porter in the pail.

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